By leveraging our well-established worldwide network of organic suppliers, we procure Organic Wheat Alcohol consistently from a broad range of regions around the world. Our suppliers of certified Organic Wheat Alcohols have gone through extensive quality and audit evaluations. Ultra Pure supplies Organic Wheat Alcohol in various packaging such as 55-gallon drums, 270-gallon totes, and 6,500-gallon ISO containers. The Organic Wheat Alcohol is certified organic by the USDA NOP and is GMO free.

What is Organic Wheat Alcohol?

Our Organic Wheat Alcohol 96% (Organic Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) 96%) is produced by fermenting and distilling certified organically grown wheat. By distilling it 5 times, this base spirit has an extra neutral smell, taste, clear color along with low impurities.

How can Organic Wheat Alcohol benefit my distillation process?

Given its extra neutral nature, Organic Wheat Alcohol is most associated through its dry finish. Organic wheat alcohol is therefore often used to make distilled spirits such as Organic Vodka or Organic Gin. Our Organic Wheat Alcohol does not interfere with a spirit’s flavor because it is an extra neutral alcohol. By it not making an effect on the flavor, it is a premium blending alcohol.

Our Organic Wheat Alcohol is widely used in the distilled spirits and beverages, but also in the vinegar, cosmetics, and flavor industries. Do you think Organic Wheat Alcohol may blend in well into your next product? Explore our packaging options to discover what quantities are right for you.